February 28: Salem Witch Hunt Begins

2014-02-28bThe 28 February 1692 was the beginning of a grim era for the people of Salem, Massachusetts where more than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft which was also known as the “devils magic.” As a result, 20 people were executed.

The trials begin when a nine year old named Elizabeth Parris and an eleven year old named Abigail Williams began experiencing fits and other mysterious maladies. When examined by a town doctor, he came to the conclusion that the children were under the effects of witchcraft.

The village began to pray and fast in order to rid themselves from the devil’s influence. The town also pressured the girls into telling them who controlled their behavior. The girls revealed the names of three women known as Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne and the slave of Reverend Parris, Tituba. Good and Osborne claimed their innocence. However Tituba confessed, “The devil came to me and bid me serve him.” She also described images of black dogs, red cats, yellow birds, and a black figure that wanted her to sign his book. She admitted to signing the book and said there were several other witches seeking to destroy the puritans.

The trails were an example of religious extremist/intolerance which can be related to today’s society and throughout history. It is said that more people have died in the name of their religion than anything else in history. Examples include the civil war in Syria, the crusades in the middle ages, and people being executed for not converting to a certain faith.

Even in today’s society I have seen people who have looked down and thought they were better than others just because they weren’t the same religion as them. Though circumstances were different back then, it is evident that religion has been responsible for countless human lives being lost as a result of people killing in the name of their religion or god.

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Photo Caption: “The Witch, No. 3″ lithograph by Joseph E. Baker published by Geo. H. Walker & Co circa 1892.

2014-02-28Meet the Auhtor

I am currently attending my second year at Schoolcraft College to earn my associates in business and then transfer to Michigan State University next fall where I plan on double majoring in marketing and graphic design. I am a huge lions fan and I hope to travel to Europe one day.

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