March 29: Love is Like a Fire

2014-03-29bOn 29 March 1683, a young girl named Yaoya Oshichi was executed for the crime of arson. What is even more astonishing than the fact that she was only 16 is that she committed this crime because of love.

On 28 December 1682, a huge fire started in Edo, Japan. Yaoya sought shelter from the fire, after her home was destroyed, in a temple. In the temple she met and fell deeply in love with a temple page named Ikuta Shōnosuke. When the fire stopped burning and her home was rebuilt she had to leave the temple, but she desperately wanted to reunite with her love. Thinking that another fire would allow her to take shelter in the temple and meet up with her lover again, she set a fire to her own home. She was then charged with arson and burned at the stake on 29 March 1683.

Many people might think that this is such an outrageous idea, but in reality, it isn’t an uncommon occurrence at all.

Psychiatrists say that crimes are committed for various reasons, but two of the most common reasons are love and jealousy. More than 300 years after Oshichi’s criminal act involving love, crimes of passion are one of the most common reasons for murder. For example, on 13 June 1994 Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman were found dead. Many believe that O.J. Simpson murdered both victims; and did it because of love mixed with jealousy. Even more recently, on 14 February 2013, Reeva Steenkamp was found dead after being shot by her boyfriend, famous Olympic athlete, Oscar Pistorius. He claims it to have been an accident, but many believe the crime was no accident. Many believe it was revenge; due to the fact that it was rumored that she had been cheating on him and he still loved her.

Love is like a fire. It can give you comfort and warmth at times, but it can also burn you. No pun intended Ms. Oshichi.

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Photo Caption: Portrait of Yaoya Oshichi by Utagawa Kuniteru (1808-1876).

2014-03-29Meet the Author

I am 18 years old. I am currently a freshman at Schoolcraft College, where I am getting my Associates Degree in Liberal Arts. I plan on transferring to Eastern Michigan University, where I want to work towards becoming a high school history teacher.

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