April 1: Patent for the First Internal Combustion Engine

2014-04-01On 1 April 1826, Samuel Morey secured a patent for the first internal combustion engine in the United States. His design was never popular with the public and so it never entered mass production.

His “vapor engine” as he dubbed it was the first fully functioning design of an engine that was powered not by steam but by controlled explosions, caused by the ignition of turpentine and air, driving two pistons and propelling whatever vehicle it was attached to. Had people of this time realized what was before them, then we might have been driving cars well before 1876 when Nikolaus Otto patented his version of a four stroke gasoline engine.

Most of the credit for creating the popularized the gasoline engine goes to Otto as his engine entered mass production and was popular among the masses. Even though Morey was fifty years ahead of Otto, he was not living in a time that fully appreciated mechanical marvels and breakthroughs.

Samuel Morey went on to patent 20 different inventions from a steam powered rotating spit to steam ferries that could paddle up river at 5 mph. In 1836, the patent office fire caused all records of his achievements to be destroyed along with all other patents housed there. He never gave up hope that people would see the importance of his engine and instead tried selling it as a means of propulsion on boats rather than carriages; however this too did not go the way he wished for.

Morey died on 17 April 1843 having never seen his most treasured and important invention incorporated in people’s lives. However, he never gave up hope that one day people everywhere would be living different lives from his own because of his breakthrough engine.

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Photo Caption: Historical marker photographed by Paul Crumlish for the Historical Marker Database.

Meet the Author

I live in Canton, Michigan and am currently enrolled at Schoolcraft College. I live with my supportive parents and irritating brother and sister and demanding dog and cats. I go to school full time and work as a life guard/swim instructor at Central Middle School on the weekends. My dream is a simple one that I hope to accomplish all my life: to learn, to love, to live.

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