April 13: Colfax Massacre

2014-04-13bOn 13 April 1873 – Easter Sunday— in Colfax Louisiana, a slaughter ensued between The White League, a group whose intent was on securing white rule in Louisiana and the black militia who opposed the Whites views. The event was more formally called the Colfax Massacre.

Disagreements in the city’s election resulted in hundreds of innocent people killed. Only three White League members were killed while around 150 black militia members died. Almost half the black militia members were killed in cold blood after they had already surrendered.

This disagreement can be connected to another major disagreement that transpired on 25 May 25 2012 in Syria called the Houla Massacre. On this day, Syrian military broke up a crowd of rebels at a checkpoint in Taldo, a village of Houla. Shortly after, the armed rebels responded by breaching the checkpoint. The Syrian military felt threatened so they took action by destroying the town and it inhabitants. One important thing to note is that the battle took place in the midst of the Syrian civil war, between forces loyal to the government and those seeking to get out of its rule. Millions have fled due to this war.

Devastation and heartbreak are what wars leave behind. War destroys cities as well as countries; it attempts to remove cultures from history along with its people. If we look back at wars are fought with very little thought. Paul Valery put it best, “War: a massacre of people who don’t know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don’t massacre each other.”

–Jordan Hernandez
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Photo Caption: “The Louisiana Murders—Gathering The Dead And Wounded” which was published in Harper’s Weekly on 10 May 1873.

2014-04-13Meet the Author

Jordan Hernandez is a student at Schoolcraft College.

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