March 18: Stanley Cup is Born

2014-03-18bOn 18 March 1892, Lord Fredrick Stanley donated a trophy cup to the local hockey leagues. The cup could only be won in a challenge; much like a boxing title. This cup became known as the one and only Stanley Cup.

Hockey first came to North America in 1872; brought here by a man named James Creighton from Nova Scotia when he moved to Montreal. In 1875, Creighton and his friends organized one of the first groups of players to play in doors at the Victoria Skating Rink. By 1877, injured players could be replaced by other players sitting on the sides, which is now a very standard part of the international games.

By 1900, the game had spread to the United States; Michigan being one of the first places of its appearance. In 1910, the NHA took over the Cup, causing it to become a major part of the professional league and by 1926. In 1947, the Cup trustees were created.

The creation of the Stanley Cup had helped draw major attention to the sport of hockey and, without it, the sport itself may never had drawn such major crowds. All of this was possible thanks to the generous donation of one English governor in Canada.

–Samantha Grubb
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Photo Caption: Lord Fredrick Stanley

2014-03-18Meet the Author

I am a nineteen year old journalism major at Schoolcraft College, hoping to work my way to the top through myextraordinary passion for printed news. I spend time reading Ms. Magazine cover to cover and playing with my pet rats in my spare time.

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