August 21: Consualia

2014-08-21August 21 was a special day in the times of Ancient Rome. It was a day of celebration and games. This day was called Consualia and it was a day to celebrate Consus, the Roman God of grains. He was the protector of grains and anything that the grain was stored in. This day was celebrated every year in Ancient Rome.

On this day, horses and mules were “given the day off,” as these were the sacred animals of Consus. The horses and mules were dressed up in garland and flowers. There were also games held in celebration on this day. There were horse races and chariot races held in the Circus Maximus.

Consus’ shrine was underground and usually kept covered throughout the year. However, on August 21, the shrine was uncovered for the celebration. The shrine was also uncovered on July 7 for celebration as well. The shrine was filled with new grains every time that it was uncovered.

Another part of this celebration was that Roman men would go out and kidnap the Sabine women and force them to marry them. The Sabines were a tribe of people who lived near Rome. Although the women were taken by force, they said that the Roman men treated them better than the Sabine men.

–Joseph Novack
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Photo Caption: “The Rape of the Sabine Women” by Pietro da Cortona, 1627-1628.

Meet the Author

Joseph Novack is a student at Schoolcraft College.

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