March 31: The Battle With-in the Cold War

2014-03-31On 31 March 1966, the Soviet Union took a shot at the United States during the Cold War by launching Luna 10 into space. The Luna 10 spacecraft entered lunar orbit on 3 April 1966. “Luna 10 was the first spacecraft to go into orbit around the Moon and the first human-made object to orbit any body around the Moon.” The Soviet Union was beating the United States in the space race at the moment the Luna 10 orbited the Moon.

“Due to the success of the U.S. Apollo program landing the first man on the moon, few people remember USSR made the first soft landing of a spacecraft on the moon.” This is very true. It makes more sense since not everyone is interested with machines being sent into space. It’s much more interesting if a human walks on the Moon.

“Celestial mechanics meant that Luna 10 would enter the first of its lunar orbits just as the Communist Party was assembling in Moscow for its congress session.” This event just doesn’t meet the standards of Neil Armstrong walking on the Moon. As impressive as the Soviets were during the Cold War, they weren’t and will not be able to surpass the United States when it comes to space travel.

–Ryan Paulus

Photo Caption: Luna 10.

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Harvey, Brian. Soviet and Russian Lunar Exploration. N.p.: Springer, 2007. 98-101. Print.

O’Hara, John. Luna 9: The First Soft Landing on the Moon. N.p.: EBSCO Publishing, 2003. 1-2. Print.

Shelton, W., Soviet Space Exploration-the First Decade, Arthur Barker Ltd., Unnumbered, London, England, 1969.


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