May 25: Edict of Worms Signed

2014-05-25bOn 25 May 1521, the Edict of Worms was signed.

In 1517, Pope Leo X told people that if they gave money to the reconstruction of St. Peter’s Basilica, they would be forgiven their sins; a practice known as selling indulgences. Martin Luther wrote 95 theses which he nailed to the Wittenberg’s Castel Church. This sparked a fire in Germany that spread to Rome. At first, the Pope thought that it was just a person posting their drunken ideas. He soon realized it was a much greater problem.

Luther arrived at the Diet of the Worms—where he was tried for his ideas—on 16 April 1521, where thousands greeted him. In court, the Archbishop, John Eck, asked Luther if he would recant his writings. Luther, struggling to answer, asked for time to think it over. With hesitation, the court gave him one day. The next day Luther was asked the same question. Luther gave a thoughtful speech about the writings he produced, but the court was looking for a simpler answer. Luther responded with, “I cannot and will not retract”and walked out.

On May 6, the final draft of the Edict of Worms was submitted and signed on May 25; it stated that all of Luther’s books were to be burned and called for his arrest. Luckily for Luther, he gained the support from respected princes who protected him. While hiding in the Wittenberg castle, Luther worked frivolously on translating the bible into German and wrote a couple more books. When Luther eventually reemerged, the emperor, distracted, didn’t press for Luther’s arrest. But because of rising public support for Luther among the German people and the protection of some German princes, the Edict of Worms was never enforced in Germany.

–Alecia Harlow
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Photo Caption: Anton von Werner’s Luther at the Diet of Worms, 1877.

2014-05-25Meet the Author

I am a student at Schoolcraft Community College, studying fire science.

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