June 30: Feasibility of Human Evolution

2014-06-30On 30 June1860, the first debate on the feasibility of human evolution was observed at Oxford College in England only seven months after Charles Darwin’s publication of On the Origin of Species. Although Darwin himself was not present at the debate due to poor health, both opponents and proponents alike attended the symposium. Nineteenth-century England was very conservative and religiosity was a very prominent in most people’s lives. The debate itself did not include Darwin’s data but instead it was a nuanced discussion of whether or not it was heretical to accept the genealogy or lineage of men from apes.

The leading antagonist of Darwin’s theory of evolution was Bishop Samuel Wilberforce who was considered one of the greatest orators of his day. Wilberforce opposed the theory of evolution on religious grounds stating that if the theory was true, it would imply that every living thing has an eternal soul; contrary to what one may find in the Bible. Wilberforce was successful in bolstering public opinion. His success was only temporary, however.

Thomas Huxley, a biologist, brought with him charisma as well as charm, wit, and a passionate demeanor that would stun the audience as he responded aggressively to Wilberforce. He was subsequently nicknamed “Darwin’s Bulldog” thereafter. His most memorable moment, however, was his contemptuous response to Wilberforce’s seemingly mocking question during his time at the podium of whether,

“…it was through his grandfather or his grandmother that he claimed descent from a monkey.”

At the end of his speech, Huxley addressed Wilberforce’s question stating that he would prefer to be the descendent of a monkey than of a man who used his abilities to obscure the truth.

The debate over evolution rages on more than 150 years after the first dialogue between these two men. It has become one of the most controversial issues of the modern age. Though many find it hard to believe, science is almost constantly reaffirming a position favoring Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and in many cases it is being accepted as fact.
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–Daniel Wilson

Photo Credit: Title page of On Origin of Species, 1859.

2014-06-30bMeet the Author

My name is Daniel Wilson and I am a senior at Eastern Michigan University. I study history- secondary education with a minor in geography. I am currently enrolled in the teacher preparation program at Eastern with hopes to teach at the high school level upon completion of my studies. Throughout my time studying history and other social sciences, I have written extensively on the life of Martin Luther and his pivotal period known more commonly as the Protestant Reformation. I am attending Schoolcraft College in the spring of 2014 to fulfill graduation requirements at EMU while saving money in the process. I have always had a passion for studying history I strive to make this evident in all of my work.

2 Responses

  1. Diane Roy says:

    Evolution is not fact and there are still so many unanswered questions. It’s still just a theory and had not been able to be proven by any scientific methods.

    • Daniel Wilson says:

      This article is not an argument supporting human evolution, it is a summary of an historic event surrounding the theory itself.

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