September 11: Henry Hudson Discovers Manhattan Island

2014-09-11On 11 September 1609, Henry Hudson discovered Manhattan Island. Hudson was a British explorer employed by the Dutch East India Company who attempted to find a Northwest Passage from Europe to China.

Manhattan Island was originally settled by the Lenape tribe. The first European contact was made by Giovanni da Verrazzano who was sailing on behalf of French King Frances I. Hudson is given credit for the discovery because he mapped the area.

A permanent Dutch settlement was not established in New Netherlands until 1624. Fort Amsterdam was constructed on Manhattan Island the following year. The English conquered New Amsterdam in 1664 and renamed it New York. The Dutch recaptured the city in 1673 and renamed it New Orange. The following year, as part of the Treaty of Westminster, the English again gained possession of Manhattan Island.

After the American Revolution, the newly formed United States of America gained possession of the island and made New York its fist capital. New York served as the capitol of the United States from 4 March 1789 to 12 August 1790.

In 1943, the New York Legislature authorized Governor Thomas E. Dewey to develop plans for a World Trade Center to be located on Manhattan Island. However, it was not until 20 September 1962 that Minoru Yamasaki’s plans for the Trade Center were adopted. On the 5 August 1966, construction on the World Trade Center began. The Twin Towers were dedicated on 4 April 1973.
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On 26 February 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed for the first time when a Ryder Truck filled with explosives was detonated in a basement garage.

At 8:46 am on 11 September 2001, North Tower of the World Trade Center was hit by an airplane. At 9:03am, a second plane hit the South Tower. At 9:59am, the North collapsed. The South Tower collapsed at 10:38am.

–Steven L. Berg

Photo Caption: Henry Hudson

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