November 15: Walt Disney Art Studio Created

2014-11-15bOn 15 November 1932, The Walt Disney Art Studio was created and held its first meeting. Don Graham, a professor at the Chouinard School of Art, conducted this meeting.

This meeting was held in preparation for a new feature film and Disney had created the new art school to help train the animators in his specific style of animation. Because this was in the midst of the Great Depression, Disney had opened his doors to many talented individuals, who, if not for the economic drought, may have found themselves in very different jobs. Graham and Disney worked feverishly together to create one of the most talented animation teams they could muster, and soon enough, The Walt Disney Art School began to produce masterpieces.

In the times of ancient history, more often than not, jobs were based upon what was needed to survive, not what someone was most skilled in. It was more important to thrive and be productive rather than find a job most suited for an individuals liking. This was the same case for students of The Walt Disney Art School, who were initially skilled in other fields, but came to work at the studio in need of a job. In addition to this, art has been a primary form of communication and entertainment for thousands of years. From the Egyptians to the cavemen, art has been a crucial symbol for interpreting the events from the past. While the art at The Walt Disney Art Studio may not be on the same level of communication as ancient artwork, it is still used to entertain and provide a message to the audience.

Today, Disney Animation Studios continues to produce masterpieces, providing a rich history in animation and motion pictures that will create lifelong memories.

–Madeline Andrews
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Photo Caption: Don Graham

2014-11-15Meet the Author

I am an 18 year old student currently attending Schoolcraft College. I plan to pursue a career in elementary education and will be attending Michigan State University next fall. I enjoy working with children, having multiple jobs throughout the summer as a summer camp counselor, and volunteering at local elementary schools. I hope I can continue to share my life long love of teaching.

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