October 31: Mount Rushmore Completed

2014-10-31bOn 31 October 1941, the construction on Mount Rushmore was completed.

Mount Rushmore is a mountainside art statue in South Dakota that features the heads of four historic American presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. Starting in the year 1927, this historical art project took over 14 years to complete. Thinking about that time period, there are not nearly as much tools that they could have used for carving into a granite mountain as there are in today’s time. It was undoubtedly an incredible task to complete and the results in the end of the process were phenomenal.

The sculpted head of each president in the monument measures to over 60 feet and, in total, the entire sculpture measures over 1,200 acres. This project was created by Danish-American sculptor, Gutzon Borglum and his son, Lincoln Borglum. Mount Rushmore is a symbol of presidential success.

The monument is now considered a national park because of its historic value. It is visited by nearly 2,000,000 people every year which is a great contributor to the increase in tourists in South Dakota.

–Austin Buschbacher
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Photo Caption: Mount Rushmore under construction.

2014-10-31Meet the Author

I am 19 years old and I am currently a full time student in my second year at Schoolcraft College. My major is engineering and I hope to transfer over to U of M Dearborn to fulfill the rest of my education. I enjoy writing and math because I feel that they are my strong points and they are also strengths that I try to grow in every day. I am a hardworking, goal achieving student that always looks for the positive things in learning and attending school.

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