August 21: Our Lady of Candlemas Church

On 21 August 1760, the plot for the future Our Lady of Candlemas Church was consecrated in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. A wooden church was constructed by 1763 and the first masonry church was built in 1780. The architect was Vicente Piera.

During the nineteenth century, thousands of slave children were baptized and freed in the church. Ramón Emeterio Betánces and Segundo Ruíz Belvis would wait in the church until a slave family would bring a child to be baptized. They would then give money to the parents to purchase the child’s freedom. After freedom had been purchased, the child would be immediately baptized. The reason that purchase was made before baptism is because a baptized child cost twice that of a child who was unbaptized. This act in the church was known as the “aguas de libertad” (waters of liberty).

On 1 April 1976, the Diocese of Mayagüez was authorized by Pope Paul VI. The church was then rededicated as a cathedral. Ulises Casiano Vargas became the first bishop of the new diocese.

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Mary, the mother of Christ, is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church. Throughout the past two centuries, she has appeared to the faithful; sometimes alone and sometimes in the company of other saints. One such appearance took place on 21 August 1879 when Mary—in the company of St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist appeared to Mary McLoughlin and Mary Beirne in Knock, Ireland. After seeing the vision, McLoughlin and Beirne brought several other people to the church who also saw the three saints. After this appearance, miracles began to happen around Knock.

–Steven L. Berg, PhD

Photo Caption: Lady of Candlemas Church after a 1918 earthquake damaged its two towers.

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