August 22: Loch Ness Monster

On the 22 August 565 was the first recorded sighting of the Loch Ness Monster; a sighting made by St. Columba.

When he was forty four years old, St. Columba and twelve others left Ireland for Scotland. A few years after he arrived in Scotland, he—in the company of St. Comgall and St. Canice—visited the home of King Brude. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “Admittance was refused to the missionaries, and the gates were closed and bolted, but before the sign of the cross the bolts flew back, the doors stood open, and the monks entered the castle. Awe-struck by so evident a miracle, the king listened to Columba with reverence; and was baptized. The people soon followed the example set them, and thus was inaugurated a movement that extended itself to the whole of Caledonia.” At the time, paganism was the dominant religion in Scotland.

The Loch Ness Monster (Niseag in Scottish Gaelic) is a cryptid that is reported to live in Loch Ness which is located in the Scottish Highlands. A cryptid—from the Greek “κρύπτω” which means “hide”—is an animal whose existence is not supported by the scientific community.

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The Loch Ness Monster is not the only famous cryptid. As described by Steph, others include the Mongolian Death Worm, the Chupacabra, the Dover Demon, and Kappa the Slimy Japanese River Imp. Just because these creatures are currently classified as cryptids, it does not mean that they do not exist. For example, the giant squid and other animals which had previously been considered cryptids are now known to exist.

–Steven L. Berg, PhD

 Photo Caption: St. Columba (top). Kappa the Slimy Japanese River Imp (bottom).

6 Responses

  1. Shayne Cahill says:

    On this day in history there wasn’t anything I could find that related to any cryptids other than the one here mentioned about the loch ness monster. There was one cyptid I didn’t see mentioned that I may circle back to. Anyway on August 22nd in 1975 there was an assassination attempt on President Gerald Ford. The assassination attempt was made by Sara Jane Moore. She pled guilty, and at her hearing she said this “Am I sorry I tried? Yes and no. Yes, because it accomplished little except to throw away the rest of my life. And, no, I’m not sorry I tried, because at the time it seemed a correct expression of my anger.” Going back to the subject of Cryptids, there is a German myth about a tall human like creature called der großmann that has no face, long appendages, wears a suit and kidnaps children in the woods.

  2. CJ Hill says:

    A cryptid such as the Loch Ness monster is a creature or plant whose existence has been suggested but is unrecognized by scientific consensus and often regarded as highly unlikely. The Loch Ness monster nicknamed “Nessie” isn’t supported by the scientific community because of the simple fact that there is not enough conclusive information on the monster. Stories that are told of the Loch Ness monster are so vast that there is not a clear image of the monster. The most common visualization of Nessie is the resembalance of a prehistoric animal, the Plesiosaur. At this point in time the monster is referred to is a modern-day myth. Sightings have been declaired as a mix of hoaxes and wishful thinking. In 2003 the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) conducted a full search using 600 seperate sonar beams and satelite tracking devices. Even though there were high hopes to find the Loch Ness monster, the search came up empty and the scientists involved in the expedition ruled the monster as a myth. From all the inconsistent information, unsuccessful expeditons, and scientists who concluded the monster as non-existent, personally I believe the monster is just a myth.

    – Charles Hill

  3. The loch ness monster has been questioned for years on wheather or not it exists. Ben Hanson and his team beleive that this creature could be a hoax to society. They try uncovering the identity of the loch ness monster by finding ways to recreate a photo or a video of this so called “monster”. They had discovered many ways this animal could have been mistaken for either a joke, or any other possible animal with a damaged fin. A video will be linked to show the creativity of their discoveries by uncovering the identity of the loch ness monster, and provide entertainment to viewers. (This is part one of three videos).

    -Tiffanie Jones

  4. Samantha Floeter says:

    Although the Loch Ness Monster was claimed to be first spotted in 565 AD, there were few sightings from then until the early 1930’s. The sightings of Nessie became popular shortly after roads were constructed near the northern shore of the loch. Many photographs were taken of Nessie, but the one stuck out from the rest, the surgeon’s photo, was thought to be real. 60 years passed before it was discovered to be a toy submarine with a constructed serpent head attached to it. Although, the reported sightings are on both water and land, cyrptozoologists classify the Loch Ness Monster as a sea cryptid. Many believe it may be an eel, a Zeuglodon, which is a long slender whale, or an elasmosaur, which is the largest plesiosaur, a marine reptile.

    Samantha Floeter

  5. Emily Rumrill says:

    The Loch Ness Monster is the longest-lived and perhaps most distinguished cryptic in history. Scientists believe this legendary sea creature is a Plesiosaur, which is a large extinct marine reptile. Since this first encounter there have been well over 10,000 sightings and testimonials of Nessie. Not only has this monster been encountered in Loch Ness, Scotland but also among other parts of Europe. Soon after the first spotting in 565 a.d., St Columba himself reportedly saw the enormous creature twice more that year. His story was published in the 7th Century as the ‘Life of St. Columba’, written 100 years after his death by Saint Adomnán.

  6. Joe c says:

    there have been very many creatures in the world that say they have been sighted like the lochness. one of those creatures was called the jersey devil. the legend of the jersey devil dates back to the mid 1700s when it was considered an “omen of disaster or war” but multiple sightings did not begin till about the 1900s. some researchers have claim over 2000 people have reported this furosious thing. its discrition is about three and a half feet high a head like a collie dog,and a face like a horse,a long neck wings about two feet long,back legs like a crane,horse’s hooves,walks on its back legs and holds up two short front legs with paws on them. these creatures roam/roamed the earth and we dont even know about them.

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