August 24: National Waffle Day

On 24 August 1863, Cornelius Swathout received the first waffle iron patent in the United States. That is why August 24 is recognized as National Waffle Day. An image ofSwathout’s waffle iron appears to the right.

Waffles first crossed the Atlantic to the “new world” with the Pilgrims in 1620. They had learned about the waffle during the time they spent in Holland. In 1789, Thomas Jefferson brought a waffle iron and a pasta maker to the United States when he returned from a trip to France. Later, President Jefferson would serve waffles in the White House.

The modern waffle developed from unleavened wafers. In earlier periods, when it was difficult or too expensive to buy wheat, these unleavened “wafles” were made of barley, oats, or other grains. During the thirteenth century, wafles were a popular fair of street vendors. It was not until 1735 that the word “waffle”—spelled with two fs—first appeared in print. Although unleavened waffles continued to be eaten by the poor, the wealthy began to add milk and eggs to their waffles giving the fluffier texture we associate with today’s waffles.

Although Swathout’s waffle iron made it easy to make waffles, it was not until 1911 when General Electric introduced the first electric waffle iron whose built in thermometer made it possible to bake waffles without burning them. The next major so-called advancement in waffle production happened when Froffles appeared on the market in 1953. Two years later, the name for these frozen waffles was changed to Eggos; a product that is still on the market.
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The Belgium Waffle, which appeared at the 1964 World’s Fair in New York, was actually from a recipe for Brussels waffles. However, because Maurice Vermersch assumed that Americans would not know where Brussels was located. Therefore, the name of the country was used instead of the name of the city.

Although they are now typically eaten as a breakfast food, they are also served as a main course with chicken or as a desert with ice cream.

–Steven L. Berg, PhD

Photo caption/credit: Image of first waffle iron patented by Cornelius Swathout. Image from “Cornelious Swathout: Inventor of the Waffle Iron.” (top) Engraving of Brussles from c. 1610. (bottom)

2 Responses

  1. Riccardo says:

    P.R. here again …..Dr.Berg did not mention he himself is a big Fan of the Waffle…and has a G.E. brand waffle iron ….And waffles can be savory or sweet…..But always Enjoyed !

  2. Kelly Gunn says:

    After I read through this article I decided to look up the history of the waffle’s relative food-pancake- and found that “Pancake Day” is also known as Marti gras. As many know, Marti Gras is the day before Ash Wednesday, which is the start of lent. Marti Gras is the last day people could eat luxury foods until Easter. Many centuries ago, flour, eggs, and sugar (all ingredients of pancakes), weren’t allowed to be eaten during lent due to the fact that they were considered luxury foods. So, the day before Ash Wednesday eventually became known as Pancake Day and they were to not be eaten until Easter.

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